A Greek wine for every food, a Greek variety for every taste
The ultimate Greek wine & food pairing suggestions is here: the most up coming Greek grape varieties and their perfect matches!
10 favorite Wine Bars of Athens
Wine lover or not, these are the wine bars you should pay a visit!
5 wines for the beach
Now that summer has finally arrived and the raids on the beach start off dynamically, we have 5 unbeatable choices of wine to break the monotony of beer!
Mavroudi in 5'!
One of the oldest Greek varieties and, perhaps, the one that get Polyphemus drunk! Everything you need to know about Mavroudi in 5 '!
Wine and junk food
The ultimate food & wine pairing for the football nights that are coming!
5 summer movies and 5 wines to accompany them
Summer has arrived but until you manage to leave for your vacation you can travel with a nice movie that will bring you closer to your desired goal. Can you imagine anything better than combining it with the right wine?
6 tips to become a better wine taster
Theoretical knowledge is nice but nothing compares with the practice. No matter how you much read, you need to practice, practice hard to become a great wine taster. These little secrets will definitely help you cut across.
Three big questions that you are definitely curious about
Botilia.gr specialists answer 3 big questions that concern every winelover! Read more to discover all the answers!