The 23 Best Greek Wines of 2023
Take a look at the list of the Best Greek Wines of 2023. The best Greek wines were selected according to the ratings, sales and preferences of Botilia 65k+ members!
Mavrotragano in 5'
Choose the best Greek wine of the year and win
Choose the best Greek wine of the year and win 3 bottles of it!
Xmas Wines
This year we are going to celebrate in different, much more fun, way! Our gatherings will be filled with amazing wines and delicious treats with almost zero effort! Learn how you will do it!
Christmas Wine Party
What you've been waiting for has finally arrived! The most epic Christmas wine party is near!
Germany: The country of amazing wines and multiple emotions
Wine lovers love it. It produces some of the world's best wines. But what about all those names on the labels?!
Mandilaria in 5'
A difficult red variety that loves the warm climate and if it finds its master it unfolds a huge floral bouquet and tasty power.
#GivingTuesday2023 On this day we celebrate generosity!
Do you know that you have the power with something tiny, to contribute to that finally becoming something huge and beneficial?! With #GivingTuesday2023, you can practically support those who really need it!
5 white varieties you may not have heard of - and you should!
Find out everything you need to know about 5 Greek and international grape varieties that you don't come across very often, but must definitely try.